CAGE DE RISA (Family Guy)

miércoles, 24 de febrero de 2010

I'm an Ignorant :D

Ignorance is here, ignorance is there,
No one gives a shit, no one stops and stare,
But i can't say nothing, I'm an ignorant too :)
I mean everyone's ignorant, everyone including you,
I don't know why I write this,
I think I'm bored as you to read it,
Well, you're and ignorant, and you've gotta admit it (:

martes, 23 de febrero de 2010

Legalize Weed

Stuff like weed, are not drugs,
Man, weed ain't only for thieves and thugs,
It's for smart people, think about it,
It's a long process, so legalize it,
For example, in Jamaica it's free,
Like your mind when you smoke a little bit,
This won't make a difference, I know,
But give it a try, kind of slow, and never say no.

Preguntas frecuentes (sin animos de ofender jaja)

Si es peluqero es gay?
Si alguna ves lo vieron tomar ya creen qe es borracho?
Si saco 03 es un bruto?
Si alguna ves saco 20 es un chancon?
Si es colombiano es traficante?
Si es jamaiqino es drogo?
Si tiene pelo largo es un vago?
Si es sentimental es cabro?
Si usa capucha es choro?

jaja estoy dms aburrido y ace dias qe no escribia nada (:

domingo, 21 de febrero de 2010

Just Because of You :D

It's only you, and nobody but you,
You've gotta believe me, 'cause it's true,
Can't you understand, that I only love you?,
Please believe me, I only think about you,
And I'm writing this shit, just because of you.

Ahora si me crees? (:

P.S.: If you don't believe me, fuck you :)

Pure de papa

domingo, 21 de febrero de 2010
son las 3.46 am y estoy comiendo pure de papa qe abia en la refri
qien mas come pure de papa a esa hora? aa? jaja genial

sábado, 20 de febrero de 2010

Staring at her, sitting on a bench,
Sort of weird, sort of strange,
Sort of beautiful, sort of nice,
You're out of your mind when you look at her eyes,
You know, see that, or see the paradise,
Is just the same damn thing, if thinking it being wise

Hecho por mi (:

para qien crees qe es? jaja tu ya sabes :D

para pensar

los perros son mejores qe los gatos en muchos sentidos. fieles, inteligentes, fisicamente tambien son superiores. pensando que los gatos son mas femeninos, y los perros mas masculinos.. comparandolos a los humanos.... demostraria que finalmente los hombres son superiores a las mujeres? ... piensenlo